Thursday 18 December 2008

Our generation and theres!

In this day and age, with so much hurt and destruction you would expect our elders to be more understanding, more open . Wouldn't you?
Why still is there this face on the world where age is limited to our being, to our self worth, to our feelings and experiences.
I once met a man. Whom was of innocence on par to me. His life so flurished nie on three times my life time. He had not witnessed the pain i had seen and endured, the heart felt pain coursing through my veins but he had seen the world and seen years ive yet to walk. Does that really mean that he is entitled to have the foot hold on these words and feelings that are expected of a persons of age. Does wisdom, heart break, depression, sadness does this really only come with age?

"I am the new generation, you are the new generation. Take my hand and hold it with our generation and take this walk with me, make a change"

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