When we walk the same path over and over again
Why still do we loose our way
Our foot prints lost in the earth, no trace of where we walked before
When do we become to realise the path
When can we walk it without confusion
When do we walk it without the pain in our feet
Will we ever ask some one to take the walk with us
Understand the journey we are taking over and over
Show others what we see, what we feel on this walk
Will the path become easier as we walk it more
Will we take a new one, change where we go
Why do the seasons never change
I’ve walked alone along this cold and wintered path
Too long along loosing my foot steps, without a map to aid me
But can I let you come with me or take me to a new one
When I have took a new path, the next one hasn’t been easier
Just different
When you don’t have the strength to walk the path each day
Why would you let some one walk it with you
To see what you do, to feel what you do
Maybe it is meant to be that we walk alone
By our choice or not
But thank you for wanting to walk it with me
But I don’t know where I walked before
I just stumble here each time I wake, each time I walk out the door
I was here before, I am here now, I will be here tomorrow
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