We are ignorant as a race. Through the years we have claimed the right to unleash pain on others, claimed the right to the lives of others. What is it in our selves, the human race that makes us think we can take, claim or do with as we wish all that is not ours.
Why can’t we live as people? Why even now are we barbarians? If you can watch all that goes on in this world and not see it as it is, not see that nothing has changed. You think than because 100 years later that we are not barbarians. What is different now from when the Scottish fought the English, when will we learn and live?
As time goes by in this world nothing changes but the world gets older. The veins in land throb with the blood of the centuries. When will the passage of our heritage change? Have we no ability to walk a new path, to sacrifice life for a real cause, to shed blood for a reason other than our own greed.
When will you become more than what you look at in the mirror, more that the person you pass in the street and more than the person that you read about in our all mighty history books. When will the barbarian leave us, when you shed a tear for the compassion of others?
Is it so hard to live as people rather than the individuals that we are? We are individuals and we are one. When did people forget that no matter where we live and no matter what we look like, we are one. We walk the same land, we have the same heart. We love our families and friends. We love the soil that forms our countries.
Because I’m from England and you’re from Ireland, because I’m black and you are white, because you love Buda and I love Jesus does that make me or you superior to the other? Do I fight with my parents when we have different views, likes and dislikes?
Why then do we have to fight, me and you? I don’t know you but I love you. The respect I have for you I hope you have for me. Because you were brought into this world as I was, you grew as I was and you were born into the same world as me, may it be at different times. But this is our world. If I could hug you I would, make the right decisions as someone needs to change the path we follow and I have a lot of miles to walk and I can’t do it alone. Hold my hands and make the journey with me.
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