I love you,
I love you but its not enough
I’ve loved you since I saw you
I loved you when you held my hand
When you told me it would be ok
When you hid my face from the demons
I love you but its not enough
Its not enough to feed of your love
I need more from you than just this
How can I tell you this
That all you do is give me love
That there is nothing else
It pains me to be thinking this
I need your hand to pull me up
I need you to see what I see
I need for you to feel with me
I need your love but I need more
When you hold my hand I’m lifted up
When you open your eyes I’m no longer alone
When you feel with me I tingle all over
When I love, my love is for you
I was blessed when you walked into my life
More than you can understand
I cant thank you more for what you have given me
Soon I need to make a journey
And I need you, I need you more than any one
Please give me more than just love
Help me sleep at night
Hold me tight and walk with me in the morning
Let the sun shine on us
Its us against the world my darling
don’t leave me sitting out in the rain
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