Since my friends sisters wedding, I’ve been thinking more and more about the future. That old tradition that seemed to die off but then flourish again. Still not as it used to be. Years ago marriage meant something. It meant that you were with that person, for there morals, there aims, there ability to look after and support. Our society has changed indeed, the way we view people and peoples abilities are different now. But I know that love was not the reason for marriage once upon a time. It was to keep the name of a family, to enrich a family, to carry on a monarch, to rise social status. It was about society and a families name and riches surviving, however rich or poor that family was. Still this carried on. But became more lax, But love was never what we took into account here. What has changed, why has the tradition changed so much? Before we learned to love the person we married, now we must love the person to marry. But what is the difference aside from this? It used to be death do us part, now its divorce when things get rough, has the change in our society really changed this tradition so much? Women are no longer restricted to the house, restricted to speak when spoken to. We have more power and increasingly more. But is this also part of the reason?
What I don’t understand solely, is that we marry now for love and wanted to announce this to the world. We want people to know that we are with this person to death do us part, but how do we let an old tradition that has changed to our society and our view, a piece of paper that does not mean what it once did, change our relationship? Is it the backward was we now treat it from our original tradition. When a couple announces there love, we date, we live together and then we have children or get married then children, but statistics prove that there is a said % that get divorced. It shows that there is a status change in our own minds.
The question is, why do these exchange of vows and rings make such a difference to our relationship?
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