It makes me angry to watch the colour fade from my TV
I’m watching you in black and white
And I cant change the channel
Looking out the window at you
The rose in my withered garden, full and red
Your outshining the weeds in my garden, but I can see the frost coming
I cant help but cry
Frustrated at watching you like this, helpless to aid you
I’m the stranger in the street walking by and watching you fall
You hold the key to my heart in your hand
I hold out my hand for eternity, withering in the sun
I cant take any more and I wont, I want to give but you don’t take
Seasons pass and you don’t bloom
My garden stays withered and weeded with you in the centre no different
Sitting on my couch banging the TV trying to get some colour
Watering the garden, working my blood and sweat into the soil for nothing to happen
Why wont anything work?
I’m getting so tired and all I want to do is sleep
When I wake up will it be back to normal
Will the hands of time rewind and make it all right?
I miss it all and I don’t want to take back what was mine
Lying in my garden waiting for spring to come
Waiting for your frost to leave
Wishing that the crow will take my eyes away
I cant watch you fade away
I cant stand by while I’m pushed out
I cant stand by when I’m not let in