Wednesday, 18 April 2012

The Heart :)

Isn’t it silly, the way the heart works? You automatically love your parents from day one, no matter what they say or do to you when you are young, you love them no matter what. When you get older, to a certain age that changes a little, your feelings can be affected by what they say or do, but you still love them, even when you hate them. They are those people in your life that can do anything, superheroes, and the ones that you look up to and make excuses for when they do something. You may tell the world you hate them, deep down you want their approval and their love. When they do hurt you, no amount of answers to your questions can feed your hunger.

You love your friends, not because of who they are, but because how they make you feel, the effect they have on you but I suppose you love them also because who they are. But without some effect on your life, you wouldn’t have them as a friend or love them. Whether it is because they make you feel needed, you need them, they are the joker, the one that listens. You forgive them when they hurt you, chance after chance even though you know your heart will break again. Trust against your better judgement. These friendships are those complex ones you never want to let go of, even when no one else understands it. 

The most unusual work of the heart has to be that of those you fall in love with. You go to sleep and wake up in love. You see that friend you have known for a life time in a different light. Your heart flutters at the thought of them, you imagine a kiss, a touch of hands, what the rest of your life together will be like and you imagine life without them. Being so in love with person that person it is painful. 

Love is so much more complex, you want to share when you are in love, love and care but when you are broken, and in pain and hate you don’t want to share. The heart can make you either the happiest person on the planet or can make you the darkest person in the world.
We forget that in those times of darkness that we have those around us, those who would happily help, in their own unusual or usual way. That when you are at your happiest there are others out there, your friends and family that are in a dark place, share your light, your happiness like you once needed and will need again. 

The most vital, fragile, complex and strong muscle in the body, who knew it!

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